What do you do when it rains? I feel for all of you girls out there that wake up at the crack of dawn to get ready for your day. The routine of waking up in the morning taking a nice hot shower, shaving your legs, moisturizing your hair, and giving yourself a nice little facial with one of your favorite masks in order to get that beautiful natural glow is very time consuming. When you get out of the shower the real work begins. Straightening your hair or getting the perfect bounce in your naturally curly hair is one of the most difficult things to do. Once the excruciating part of getting your hair to look like it only took five minutes to do but secretly took about a half and hour is over it is time to get dressed. Picking out the perfect outfit usually takes about 20 minutes, then you have to find the perfect shoe to go with the amazing outfit you have decided on. Now it is time for makeup, as we all know the makeup routine is one of the most annoying things in the world. Trying to make yourself look like you have no makeup on is a difficult goal to accomplish and usually takes about fifteen minutes, but in the end it is all worth it. When you look in the mirror and realize you look amazing makes it worth the hassle until you step outside. All the hard work you went through is immediately spoiled. It is inevitable that you are going to step in a gross puddle. The bottoms of your pants get soaked and if you are wearing heels your feet are probably soaked as well. The umbrella you were smart enough to take with you will flip inside out because of the wind; your hair gets soaked and will curl or frizz. Now that you have no umbrella the rain is whipping you in the face and all the makeup you have on starts to run. The only thing to do now is start running and hope that by the time you get to work you don’t look like a walking zombie. When you finally get into your office you run into the bathroom and try to fix yourself before anyone can really see you, but unfortunately the bottom of your shoes are wet and slippery so once your feet hit the tile of the bathroom floor you slip an go flying on your ass, you try to laugh it off and get up as if nothing had ever happened, if you are lucky there was no one in the bathroom to witness your little spill, but as we all know that never happens. You start cursing to yourself and wish you were wearing sneakers and sweat pants. Sometimes it is very hard to be a girl but when you have that one good day where you look perfect it makes the hassle of getting ready every morning worth it. It must be nice to be a guy, you could be showered, dressed, and ready to go within the time it takes most girls to shower. All you girls out there know what I am talking about, so for all the guys out there try to help out the ladies out today.
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