Monday, April 23, 2007

Tom's little doll

Tom Cruise took control of Katie's life. He tries to take control of everything she does and even goes as far as telling her how to dress. The sweet Katie that we all once knew as shy innocent Joey Potter from Dawson's Creek is gone, now she is Tom's little doll. Tom Cruise is treating her more like a daughter than his wife, when you think about the intimate parts of marriage it starts to get a little freaky. In public the couple are nothing but smiles, it seems like they have the perfect marriage but in reality people close to the stars say Katie is in her own personal nightmare. She was able to break free for a little while to start filming in Louisiana, Cruise wanted to be on set everyday but decided to give Katie a little freedom. Every girl dreamed of marrying Tom Cruise but when the dream became reality for Katie it did not turn out to be the fairytale she thought it would be.

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