- Did Britney get liposuction? She was spotted walking out of a lipo clinic in Las Vegas and recently appears to be much thinner. Before going into rehab she was on the chunkier side, now that she is out the weight seemed to fall right off. Britney's trainer says it is from fewer cheeto's and more squats. Rehab could have had something to do with it she had no access to all the liquor that probably made her fatter to begin with.
- Jessica Simpson is going to be the new Pussycat Doll, at least for one night. She is hosting a scantily clad performance by the Pussycat Doll's at Pure nightclub in Las Vegas. Maybe she will join in on the performance so her rock star boyfriend John Mayer can have something to drool over for a night.

Who do you think is luckier the fence or Kirstie? Luckily the "Fat Actress" joined Weight Watchers otherwise her little leap of faith would have her landing on her ass and the fence split into tiny pieces.
- Should Sanjaya be the next "American Idol?" He can't sing and the judges told him so last night. Sanjaya is like a lovable cartoon character, he is fun to watch but how long can it last? Tune in for tonight's results show to see if he makes it through once again.
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