Alec Baldwin yelled at his daughter and called her a rude,thoughtless little pig. When his daughter did not answer the phone for a court ordered conversation he flipped out and made very threatening comments to her. Alec's visitation rights have been temporarily suspended but what judge will give him back custody after his comments to his daughter are open for public knowledge.
Jesssica Alba is going to be the new face of Revlon and will recieve a lot of cash for it. The
Fantastic Four hottie will be getting $5 million for her commerical. When your boyfriends name is Cash it is bound to bring you some luck ,now they will both be cash money honies!
Paris has found a new boy to corrupt. She was dating "Desperate Housewives" star Josh Henderson for a little while but I guess she got sick of him and needed to find a new guy to play with for a week. Paris decided to go for Petra Nemcova's ex boyfriend James Blunt. They were spotted at Teddy's night club dancing, holding hands, and allegedly making out. Paris' reps think this story is just stupid gossip but I think Paris likes having a guy that could sing your beautiful to her at the drop of a hat, now thats hot!

Maybe Lily Allen should go to rehab. The 21 year old british sensation has become famous for her rehab song. She admits to being a huge drinker and says she is drunk all the time.
She recently cancelled many of her upcoming concert dates because she is exhausted and has been getting really drunk lately because she was nervous about doing bad shows. I guess she found her solution for being nervous, she decide to cancel most of theml, now she can get wasted and pass out with no guilt.

The Lost Boys are back. 80's heartthrobs Corey Haim and Corey Feldman are teaming up for a television show on A&E but they are also teaming up to do an ask anything column.
The two Corey's will host an online column that will allow fans to ask them anything from relationship advice to breaking into show business. They will personally be answering every question so ladies get your questions ready!
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