Here are some small talk topics to discuss with the co- workers you pretend to be nice to.
Should Madonna adopt another child. She was allegedly going back to Malawi to adopt another child. Her reps deny the fact that she is adopting and said she was only going there in order to oversee the building of a children's health care center. hmmmmmm... true or not true?
Is Hillary Duff too skinny? Judge for yourself, she had to compete with Nicole Richie and lost he boyfriend Joel Madden to her, now it seems like the pop star was trying to be just like her. After the breakup she lost a ridiculous amount of weight and looked as anorexic as Nicolle does. Eat something ladies! Give the guys something to hold on to.

How crazy are Kate Moss and Pete Doherty.
Hanging out of a window and smoking a cigarette is always a good idea.
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