It might seem like the easiest thing in the world to make but creating the perfect omelet is one of the hardest things to do. I have heard that some top chef's test their cooking staff by having them make an omelet. I am definitely not a chef, but I think I have found a way to create the perfect omelet. A mixture of goat cheese, caramelized onions, and spinach that is surrounded by a fluffy egg pillow is my idea of the perfect meal. It might seem like a little work put I guarantee if you try this you will fall in love. Beat two eggs with salt and pepper either in a blender or with a hand beater. (This step is very important because it makes the eggs double in volume and they become very light and airy.) Caramelize the onions in the butter and balsamic vinegar with a little bit of salt and pepper on medium heat until they are soft and golden brown, it has to be cooked on medium heat otherwise the onions will burn and become bitter. Add the spinach to the pan with the onions for a minute just to re heat the spinach. Take the mixture out of the pan and set aside. Pour the eggs into the pan and cook on low to medium heat, once the eggs start to set up a little bit scrape the sides towards the center in order to cook out the raw egg from the middle. Once the egg is completely firm add the spinach and onion mixture and dot the top with the goat cheese. Fold over the egg so it is in a moon shape and let the goat cheese slowly melt for about 10 seconds. Take out of the pan and enjoy! I guarantee you will love this recipe, if you don't like any of the ingredients you can obviously create your own version of the "perfect omelet." Just remember to blend or beat the eggs it make a huge difference, the eggs become a fluffy pillow that surrounds the delicious and creamy ingredients on the inside. It is so delicious!
2 eggs
1/4 cup of defrosted frozen spinach
1/2 a small onion sliced thin
1 tablespoon of goat cheese
1 tablespoon of butter
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper
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