Celebrities thought it would be a fun night out on Valentine's Day. The Sports Illustrated annual swimsuit issue was launched but some people may have gotten more than they had bargained for. One of Wolfgang Puck's assistants was diagnosed with Hepatitis A and everyone who ate raw food at the party was told to get diagnosed by tomorrow in order to treat the disease. Even not getting lucky on Valentine's day has its consequences!
"Izzie" might leave Seattle Grace, Katherine Hiegel did not sign her new contract because she did not get offered as much money as other cast members did. She felt very under appreciated. Aww!! poor girl how hard it must be to be cast in one of the number one shows on television. ;O(
Cosi in New Rochelle bans photos of same sex couples. The cafe claims the artwork did not go through the "proper paper work." This specific location of the cafe did not want to get in trouble for a controversial issue so they made an excuse. If the story is true or not true, either way I think they are just afraid!
Brody tries to get a date through UsWeekly.com! Come on he is a hot young bachelor, he could have any woman he wants. He seems charming and funny it can not be that hard for him to get a girl. There is proof he went out with "Laguna Beach" star Kristen Cavallari, and "The Hills" star Lauren Conrad. How desperate can he be. These are two cute girls, It can't be hard for him to find a date. Come on Brody!
Little boy travels through New York all alone. 22 month old Tito Stuart Delmundo got on the 7 train in Queens and traveled to Manhattan. His parents were terrified but thanks to a "mystery woman" who brought him back to his family, young Tito is alright. Thank god for strangers. Parents you have to watch your kids!
Posh and Becks are moving to the U.S. NBC offered them $19.6 million dollars to appear in a reality series which will follow the Beckhams move to America. It should be a fun and hilarious show. I hope they take the deal. I want to hear Victoria yell at David for not cleaning up the kitchen! Should make for good television.
For all the guys, get a good preview of Evangeline Lilly in a blanket. Last nights little peak of her on the "Late Show" is as close as your gonna get.
Tyra banks gets banned from buses? Who cares if there is a promo add of her and the cast of "America's Next Top Model" on the side of a bus. It is not like they are naked! They are models this is what they do.
Rachel Ray makes breakfast in 30 minutes. Her homemade apple maple sausage sandwiches are so easy to make. Honestly by the time you mix everything together and cook it, it will be faster than getting in your car and driving to the closest fast food joint for breakfast. Not to mention the fact that it is much more healthy. Try it and see how easy and delicious it is.
John Travolta is promoting his new movie "Wild Hogs" I think today on "Ellen" he was very relaxed and comfortable because he had no problem reliving his dancing days. He got the audience going and shook his bootie for a few minutes with Ellen right beside him. All the lucky ladies in the audience got to watch him shake his money maker.
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Tavolta gets his groove on.
John Travolta is out doing publicity for his new movie "Wild Hogs" he appeared on the "Ellen" show this afternoon and shook his ass off for a few minutes. I have to say not a bad day to be in the audience for this show. You lucky girls!!!!!
"Wild Hogs" which stars John Travolta, William H. Macy, Maritn Lawrence, and Tim Allen is a hilarious new comedy. view the trailer below.
"Wild Hogs" which stars John Travolta, William H. Macy, Maritn Lawrence, and Tim Allen is a hilarious new comedy. view the trailer below.
Recipe of the day
Today's episode of 30 Minute Meals is all about breakfast. When the kids or adults are hungry this meal is the perfect quick fix. Apple-maple-chicken sausage sandwiches and Crunchy monkey peanut butter banana sticks are the perfect way to start any morning. This is a classic breakfast sandwich with a healthy and flavorful twist. The sausage sounds complicated to make but is actually very easy. It is a combination of ground chicken, diced fresh apples, onions, garlic and a drizzle of maple syrup. Mix it all together and you have created your own home made sausage. Top these sausage patties with scrambled eggs mixed with a little cheese and put it all in between an english muffin or a nice flaky buttery biscuit.
Dessert for breakfast? These peanut butter bananas are so healthy and easy to make. As a kid at some point everyone has had a peanut butter and banana sandwich. This is the same concept but without the bread. Put a banana on a wooden skewer. Slather with honey and peanut butter, roll it around in some chopped nuts and you are done. It is truly delicious!
Dessert for breakfast? These peanut butter bananas are so healthy and easy to make. As a kid at some point everyone has had a peanut butter and banana sandwich. This is the same concept but without the bread. Put a banana on a wooden skewer. Slather with honey and peanut butter, roll it around in some chopped nuts and you are done. It is truly delicious!
City buses ban Tyra

Promotional ads for the new season of "America' Next Top Model," which is hosted by Tyra Banks, are being removed from buses in Santa Monica. City transit officials said the new ads of the models posing in swimsuits in front of a waterfall are disrespectful. Many people have complained about these ads and said they are very degrading to women everywhere. It is a modeling competition what do these people expect? These girls are trying to win a modeling contract, do the citizens of Santa Monica want the contestants to model off a full length fluffy robe? Come one people, half of them are probably just mad because they will never be able to look as good as these models do in bathing suits!
Brody Jenner tries to get a date

One of the hottest bachelors in Hollywood is looking to UsWeekly to get him a date? Brody Jenner truly is one of the hottest playboy bachelors in Hollywood. He has gone out with the likes of Kristen Cavallari and Lauren Conrad who were both rivals on the hit MTV reality show "Laguna Beach." Lauren is also starring in another MTV reality show "The Hills", in the shows second season she is dating Brody Jenner and he is in nearly every episode. I don't understand why this guy is doing a video diary through USweekly.com to get a date. I am sure it is a publicity thing but come on! If you are that hot and are/were dating "one of the hottest girls on reality television," what are you thinking?
laguna beach,
lauren conrad,
lbrody jenner,
the hills,
us weekly,
Evangeline Lilly on Letterman
This one is for all of the guys. Last night on Letterman "Lost" star Evangeline Lilly gets a little chill due to her tiny tiny dress so she gets a blanket. Guys remember this because it will be as close as you get to seeing her as if she just got out of bed. Enjoy!
Posh and Becks hit the small screen

The Beckhams are in talks with NBC to create a new reality show. They were offered a 19.6 million dollar deal to have cameras follow them as they make their move to the U.S. David Beckham signed a 5 year contract to play soccer for the Los Angeles Galaxy team. They have been in the tabloids a lot lately because of his new deal and their new found friendship with TomKat ( Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes). The girls have been seen shopping together in Los Angeles and London. Apparently Victoria Beckham is like Katie's fashion muse. They are in talks of moving close to the Cruise clan but who knows what will happen. The network really wants to get these two to do a reality show because it would give them huge ratings and would show Victoria's humorous side. She always looks very sheltered and quiet, this show will giver her a chance to show her corny and maybe crazy side. Reality shows always make for good television but two of the richest celebrities in the world coming to LA will top them all. I hope this works out I would love to see these two go at each other about decorating an d cooking. It will be hilarious!!!!!!!
katie holmes,
los angeles,
tom cruise
Little boy explores the subway

A curious little boy took a ride all alone. 22 month old Stuart Tito Delmundo, is a very curious little boy who is fascinated with trains. Yesterday he took his fascination a little to far, as he was waiting on a subway platform with his mother for the train to pull up. His mother is aware of his fascination and curiosity so every time they are waiting for a train she holds on to him for dear life. She saw that his nose was running so she let go of him for a second to get a tissue. In that instant the young boy hopped on the train and his mother watched the doors close behind him. He got on a Manhattan bound 7 train. The mother was terrified and did not know what to do. The father came running down to the platform and immediately called 911. They were terrified that something would happen to their son after all it is New York, anything can happen! The police told the father to stay where he is. Luckily for the Delmundo family a nice elder woman who was on the train with young Tito saw what happened and picked him up. She got off at 61st street and came back to Junction Boulevard with the boy. The family was so relieved it was only a mere 15 minutes but for them it felt like a life time. They were praying that their son was ok, the family was so disheveled that when the woman gave back their son they did not even look at her. Thanks to this mystery woman their son is ok. They want to thank her but have no idea how to. Watch your kids people you never know when their curiosity is going to spark!
Controversial photos hit Cosi restaraunts

Cosi bans same sex marriage and couple photos in New Rochelle, NY. The chain restaurant put up a few pictures of same sex couples. The traveling exhibit is trying to spark talks of legalizing gay marriage and opening the eyes of political leaders. When Cosi took down the pictures they claimed that they could not keep the exhibit on their walls because it did not go through the companies "proper procedures for approving artwork." They had received many comments about the artwork both negative and positive. I think they just got scared and did not want this type of controversy to be associated with their particular chain. Cowards!!!!!!!!!!!!
new york,
Food Network Awards

Food Network goes to South Beach. The Food Network had it first awards show in Miami's trendy South Beach during the annual food and wine festival. The show was taped on February 23rd and will air on April 15th. Emeril Lagasse was master of ceremonies and all of our favorite Food Network personalities were on hand to present and give demonstrations. Paula Dean and her sons, Nigella Lawson, Giada Delaurentis, Mario Batalli, Bobby Flay, and Alton Brown were a few of the presenters. This off beat awards show celebrated food and the joy of cooking (no pun intended.) Catherine Zeta Jones and Aaron Eckahart attended the ceremony and were presenters. They were on hand to promote their new film "No Reservations" which is a romantic drama about two Manhattan chefs who are rivals but somehow get caught up in a romance. Of all the people that would go to the "Food Network Awards" I never thought it would be these two. It should be an interesting and off beat ceremony. Tune in April 15th to the first ever "Food Network Awards" and see how it all pans out!
"Izzie" might leave

"Izzie" might leave Grey's Anatomy! What is happening to this show the cast is falling apart!!! It is one of the greatest shows on television but it is slowly falling apart. Katherine Heigl did not renew her contract because the network executives are not giving her as much money as other cast members. She is very hurt and disappointed because she does not feel like she is valued as much as other cast members are. It is very unlikely that she will leave the show, but if she left and Isaiah Washington gets fired the show will fall apart. It is amazing how much two people can mean to a show. I mean look at what happened to That 70's Show once Ashton and Topher left. Need I say more?
food network,
grey's anatomy,
Celebrities exposed!

The Sports Illustrated party for the annual swimsuit issue was held on Valentine' s Day. Unfortunately for all the party people it was not the best night. The event that was catered by Wolfgang Puck and his staff had some bad news to explain yesterday. One of his assistant chefs was diagnosed with Hepatitis A and may have exposed celebrities with the disease. The health department said that anyone who had consumed raw food that night should get treatment by today in order to avoid getting liver disease. Although the risk is low they are taking every precaution to make sure no one is seriously effected. This was a bad time for this news to come out. If this situation spun out of control it would have been very hard for Wolfgang Puck to regain his reputation. He is a very celebrated chef and this could have ruined his career. It was also so close to the famous Governors Ball held every year after the Academy Awards. That is his signature event and has been catering it for years. Celebrities at the event included Beyonce, who is on the cover, Kanye West, Kenny Chesney, members of Aerosmith, and Gnarles Barkley. What a night even the celebrities that don't get lucky on Valentine's Day still have to suffer the consequences.
Morning News
Pregnant girls don't have to go to public school anymore. In Kew Garden Hills Parish they are starting up a high school for unwed pregnant women. These girls don't have to be embarrassed or harassed by their fellow peers anymore. They also have the option of living in the parish if they have no where else to turn. It is nice someone is looking out for these girls so they don't have to go to High School?

Madonna Gets mad at her daughter for dressing to provocatively? This is the same material mom that wrote a sex book and posed naked and came out with the cone bra. What does she expect from her daughter of course she is going to follow in her mom's foot steps. Lourdes got in trouble by her mom for wearing jeans that were too low and too short. Has Madonna been outside lately? Every girl is wearing the same thing. If that is the worst her daughter does she will be a very lucky mom.
Martha Stewart is moving to the city. She has purchased a $16million dollar condo on Charles Street. This condo which is on the 14th floor has 5 bedrooms, a 53 ft. wide great room, and two terraces. I know Martha likes to entertain but what is she gonna do with all of this room. Moving to New York could be a good or bad thing. lets just hope she does not run into Donald Trump.

Pedicabs are getting kicked off of the streets. 175 of these vehicles are being pulled from the streets of New York. Hotels and taxi owners wanted these pedicabs to be reduced because it was taking away from business. They are very common in Times Square and they are fighting the roads with cabs and pedestrians. People say they are rude and hit pedestrians all the time.

Madonna Gets mad at her daughter for dressing to provocatively? This is the same material mom that wrote a sex book and posed naked and came out with the cone bra. What does she expect from her daughter of course she is going to follow in her mom's foot steps. Lourdes got in trouble by her mom for wearing jeans that were too low and too short. Has Madonna been outside lately? Every girl is wearing the same thing. If that is the worst her daughter does she will be a very lucky mom.
Martha Stewart is moving to the city. She has purchased a $16million dollar condo on Charles Street. This condo which is on the 14th floor has 5 bedrooms, a 53 ft. wide great room, and two terraces. I know Martha likes to entertain but what is she gonna do with all of this room. Moving to New York could be a good or bad thing. lets just hope she does not run into Donald Trump.

Pedicabs are getting kicked off of the streets. 175 of these vehicles are being pulled from the streets of New York. Hotels and taxi owners wanted these pedicabs to be reduced because it was taking away from business. They are very common in Times Square and they are fighting the roads with cabs and pedestrians. People say they are rude and hit pedestrians all the time.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Daily recap
Monday night is a great night of television. After football season Monday night ratings should rise again between shows like "24" on Fox and "The Black Donnelly's" on NBC Monday nights are going to be an interesting night for rating battles on network television. If you missed Monday nights premiere of "The Black Donnelly's" be sure to catch it again Thursday at 9:00.
Dick Cheney was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The terrifying suicide bomber attack that occurred at the American Military base in Afghanistan was an attack on the American Government. Cheney was not supposed to be there but word got out that he was stuck there due to inclement weather. It is a true story of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
For much lighter news. Get a taste of Stars Hollow. Tonight is a big night for the Gilmore Girls. Rory gets an interview at the New York Times, which she has been waiting for, Lane has her baby shower which may lead to her giving birth to her twins? Logan has a breakdown and reveals to Rory that he hates his job and is having financial troubles. Luke misses Lorelai and freaks out on his sister for selling his father's boat because he thinks about a lot of memories he had with his father and Lorelai. Will they get back together already!!!!!
Brad Pitt bails on the Oscars but with good reason ( supposedly) he is in New Orleans filming his new movie " The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which co-stars Cate Blanchett. It makes you wonder, she showed up to the Academy Awards and he did not. They co-starred together in "Babel" and they will co-star again but why did he bail?
Eddie Murphy was very upset by not winning the award for Best Supporting Actor for "Dreamgirls" after the award was given to Alan Arkin for "Little Miss Sunshine" Murphy left the theater and never returned to the ceremony or any of the after parties. Can you say sore loser?
Speaking of the Oscars. The new gadget that everyone is yearning for is the Apple iphone. Everyone is waiting for its release in June. Apple gave everyone a little tease by airing a 30 second commercial which is the start of a huge marketing campaign for the release of this new mega gadget.
Leonardo Dicaprio is back again. Oscar winner William Monahan who won for Best Adapted Screen Play for " The Departed" will join forces with Leo once again. Warner Bros. Productions has bought the rights to remake the film "Confessions of Pain" The story is about a police detective and a private detective who try to figure out the circumstances that lead to the police detectives father-in-laws murder. The film originated in Hong Kong and is sure to make a thrilling remake.
Rachel Ray knows how to cook. She has found a way to bring summer indoors. Her take on an indoor grilling menu combines the flavorful taste of that smoky smell and flavor that reminds us all of summer into an exotic and simple Spanish grill fest that can be made in the middle of winter. She combines flavors and smells that we all love and makes them easy and affordable to make Spanish style. Yummy!!!!!!!!
A $5 million dollar civil rights law suit is hitting a Long Island High School. Family members of young freshman Brian Orr are filing a law suit because they believe their son is being harassed because of his African American background. Claims state that Brian has been receiving racially inappropriate text messages, and has had comments graffitied on his locker. He has been harassed after his football practices and has been forced into hallways to fight. No one should ever be put in this situation. Hopefully he will be ok and other students will learn through his and his family's example.
Dick Cheney was in the wrong place at the wrong time. The terrifying suicide bomber attack that occurred at the American Military base in Afghanistan was an attack on the American Government. Cheney was not supposed to be there but word got out that he was stuck there due to inclement weather. It is a true story of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
For much lighter news. Get a taste of Stars Hollow. Tonight is a big night for the Gilmore Girls. Rory gets an interview at the New York Times, which she has been waiting for, Lane has her baby shower which may lead to her giving birth to her twins? Logan has a breakdown and reveals to Rory that he hates his job and is having financial troubles. Luke misses Lorelai and freaks out on his sister for selling his father's boat because he thinks about a lot of memories he had with his father and Lorelai. Will they get back together already!!!!!
Brad Pitt bails on the Oscars but with good reason ( supposedly) he is in New Orleans filming his new movie " The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" which co-stars Cate Blanchett. It makes you wonder, she showed up to the Academy Awards and he did not. They co-starred together in "Babel" and they will co-star again but why did he bail?
Eddie Murphy was very upset by not winning the award for Best Supporting Actor for "Dreamgirls" after the award was given to Alan Arkin for "Little Miss Sunshine" Murphy left the theater and never returned to the ceremony or any of the after parties. Can you say sore loser?
Speaking of the Oscars. The new gadget that everyone is yearning for is the Apple iphone. Everyone is waiting for its release in June. Apple gave everyone a little tease by airing a 30 second commercial which is the start of a huge marketing campaign for the release of this new mega gadget.
Leonardo Dicaprio is back again. Oscar winner William Monahan who won for Best Adapted Screen Play for " The Departed" will join forces with Leo once again. Warner Bros. Productions has bought the rights to remake the film "Confessions of Pain" The story is about a police detective and a private detective who try to figure out the circumstances that lead to the police detectives father-in-laws murder. The film originated in Hong Kong and is sure to make a thrilling remake.
Rachel Ray knows how to cook. She has found a way to bring summer indoors. Her take on an indoor grilling menu combines the flavorful taste of that smoky smell and flavor that reminds us all of summer into an exotic and simple Spanish grill fest that can be made in the middle of winter. She combines flavors and smells that we all love and makes them easy and affordable to make Spanish style. Yummy!!!!!!!!
A $5 million dollar civil rights law suit is hitting a Long Island High School. Family members of young freshman Brian Orr are filing a law suit because they believe their son is being harassed because of his African American background. Claims state that Brian has been receiving racially inappropriate text messages, and has had comments graffitied on his locker. He has been harassed after his football practices and has been forced into hallways to fight. No one should ever be put in this situation. Hopefully he will be ok and other students will learn through his and his family's example.
High School student gets harrassed
A Long Island high school students family has filed a $5million dollar civil law suit claiming that their son has been harassed through racial text messages and slurs put on his locker. The family claims that their son who is 1 of 5 African American students among 950 piers has been harassed since last April. They are filing a suit now because they have put in many complaints but the school has done nothing about it. Their son Brian Orr, who is a freshman at Miller Place High, has had graffiti on his locker and has been in fights after his football practices. The family claims that this is causing him a lot of distress to the point where he is forced into the hallway to fight. He is such a young man and should not be faced with this type of abuse. The family is filing the civil law suit in hopes that this will help his son, and other families that may be going through the same problems. For more information on this story click here.
african american,
high school,
long island,
miller place high,
Recipe of the day
Today is all about grilling. Whether it is indoors or out. The summer is all about outdoor grilling there is nothing like the smell and taste of that smoky flavor that can only come from the grill. Well it does not have to be summer for you to have that flavorful meal. Rachel Ray shows us how to grill and get the same flavors in our very own kitchen. She took a twist on a Spanish meal today by creating grilled shrimp and chorizo skewers with a paquillo pepper dip. Two flavors that are very commonly used in spanish cooking is chorizo, which is a smoky and spicy sausage, it is most commonly found in paella or gumbo, and paquillo peppers which are slightly sweet so it balances out the sausage. Along side of these skewers she makes her own take on a panini. She makes a charred ham and cheese melt with a hot olive relish. She used a typical spanish cheese known as manchego, and instead of regular ham that we are used to she uses serrano ham. These sandwiches are topped with an olive tapenade then pressed and grilled. Today's recipe may seem complicated to make because of all of the ingredients, but most of these ingredients are readily available in the regular grocery store. Enjoy summer in the middle of winter by cooking up this amazing grilled meal. To enjoy this 30 minute meal click here.
Dicaprio's new movie
Back in the game so soon! William Monahan and Leonardo Dicaprio are teaming up again. Monohan who wrote the screenplay for "The Departed" is adapting the screenplay for "Confessions of Pain." Dicaprio and Vertigo entertainment are teaming up for this remake. This film was originated in Hong Kong but Warner Bros. Pictures got the rights to remake the film. It is a story of two friends one a police detective and the other a private detective. They are trying to find out how the police detectives father-in-law was murdered. It is sure to be a thrilling film.
confessions of pain,
leonardo dicaprio,
william monahan
The iphone

The new Apple iphone is not even in stores yet, but at the moment it is the most sought after phone, people can not wait to get their hands on this new very sleek very expensive item. Apple knows how to get their customers wanting more. During Sunday nights Academy Awards apple aired a 30 second promo commercial. This was a great marketing move because they have a large demographic of customers that watch the ceremony. This was the first TV spot for this phone which is leading up to a huge marketing campaign. The phone will not be available until June but their is a lot of anticipation to have this item hit the Apple shelves.
Pitt and Murphy disappointment at the Oscars

Brad Pitt bailed on Sunday nights Academy awards. With a nomination for "Babel" for best picture and a nomination for " The Departed" which he helped produce, everyone wondered why he was a no show. Even though he was not personally nominated for an award everyone wondered why he did not come to the awards to support his movies and his fellow nominees. Apparently he was in New Orleans filming his new movie " The Curious Case of Benjamin Button." His co-star in this new F. Scott Fitzgerald remake Cate Blanchett was at the awards so it makes you wonder why he did not show. Maybe after all of the comments made about him and wife Angelina Jolie at the Golden Globes made him not want to make another public appearance.
Eddie Murphy was on hand to support his movie "Dreamgirls." He was nominated for best supporting actor, when he lost to Alan Arkin for "Little Miss Sunshine" Murphy was very upset. After the award was given out Eddie Murphy apparently left the his seat and never returned to the ceremony. He was so mad that he did not even bother to show up to any of the after parties. I thought he would stay and support his co-star Jennifer Hudson.
Lane is having a baby!
Tonight's the night Lane has her baby shower. Tonight's episode of Gilmore Girls is packed with a lot of humor and a lot of hard decisions. With Lane's crazy mood swings about having twins she forgot about all of the stuff she needs to take care of her babies. This sends her into a panic so she turns to her best friend Rory who explains that she should have a baby shower. Stars Hollow events are always over the top and a little nutty. With Lane's very strict Korean mother Mrs. Kim on hand I am sure everyone will be well behaved, until she leaves of course. Mean while as Rory is trying to figure out what she is going to do with her life after she graduates from Yale, she receives a very long awaited call from the New York Times for an informational interview. While Rory is very excited yet very nervous about her interview she get some bad news from her boyfriend Logan. As Rory is trying to achieve success with one of the biggest interviews she had ever hoped for Logan's job is a disaster. He is in financial trouble and decided that he hates what he does. His father is pushing Logan to continue working a job that he hates and told him that if he leaves the company he will be cut off. Luke starts to realize how much he misses Lorelei and is very upset when he finds out that his sister is trying to sell a boat that he had refurbished because it gave him a lot of memories with his time with Lorelai. Tonight is going to be a fun and very dramatic night in Stars Hollow. Tune in to the CW11 tonight at 8:00 for an all new episode.
Attack on Cheney
Vice President Dick Cheney was involved in a terrifying attack yesterday afternoon. Cheney was sent to a bomb shelter after a Taliban suicide bomber attacked the main American military base he visited in Afghanistan yesterday. 14 people were killed from the Bagram Airbase attack which people said was aimed for Cheney. Cheney was only at the airbase because of inclement weather, he was supposed to be in the Capital city of Kabul. No one knew exactly what was happening but after everything was cleared officials said it was a suicide attack that was targeted toward Dick Cheney. For more information on yesterday's events click here.
Monday night television

Monday nighs are back. When football season comes to an end Monday's were not the best night for television there was nothing really that popular on between 9-11. That has all changed with 24 airing on FOX at 9:00 and the new drama The Black Donnelly's airing on NBC at 10:00. Monday is definately a night of amazing television.

Monday, February 26, 2007
Is there an Oscar curse?
Is winning an Oscar a curse or a blessing? Some people think it could go either way. Many actors have gone on to achieve greater success after the fact. Clint Eastwood, Tom Hanks, Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet are a few examples. Others have won an Oscar and then went on to make movies that were not exactly up to par. Take Cuba Gooding Jr. for example he gave an amazing performance in "Jerry Maguire" and went home with an Academy Award. After Jerry Maguire he went on to make "Snow Dogs?" All I am saying is it could go either way. Once you win an Academy Award you automatically get pushed up to another level of celebrity. Some studio's may not approach you because they think you would decline a role or you would be to expensive to pay. It is an amazing honor and accomplishment to receive an Academy Award, but when it is all over people must wonder, what am I going to do next?
cuba gooding jr.,
gwyneth paltrow,
kate winslet,
ltom hanks
Hef is getting married?

Word is that ultimate playboy Hugh Hefner is getting married! He is set to marry his long time girlfriend Holly Madison who is his number one girlfriend. He is not saying when the marriage will be taking place but does admit that it is going to happen. Anyone who watches "The Girls Next Door" , which airs Sunday nights on E! know that Holly has been talking about getting married and having children for a while now. She truly does love Hugh Hefner and wants to be married to him. I don't understand how this is going to work. What will his other two girlfriends Bridget and Kendra have to say about this? How is he going to have two girlfriends and a wife. I don't see it actually happening but apparently it is true.
Pillow Fight 2007!

Saturday was the day of pillow fight 2007. Hundreds of people gathered together in Union Square in order to whack each other. Little kids were running around trying to get all the older people and the adults were running around pretending to be little kids. Feathers were flying as strangers were whacking each other senseless!
"The Lost Tomb of Christ"

"The Lost Tomb of Christ" (a documentary by James Cameron) is causing a lot of stir among archaeologists and scholars. The documentary claims that 10 small caskets that were discovered in a suburb of Jerusalem in 1980 may contain the bones of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. This is causing a lot of controversy in the Christian community because if the casket truly contains the remains of Jesus it dispels the whole belief that he was resurrected and sent to heaven. The caskets were found in an ordinary Jerusalem burial cave and archaeologists state that at the time the names were very common so it could very well be anyone in those caskets. Their is a claim that this documentary is being aired in order to make for profitable television, but if these finding s turn out to reveal something true there will be a great deal of controversy in the Christian community. James Cameron will appear on "Larry King Live" on CNN tonight at 9:00 in order to explain why he believes his findings to be true.
Oprah's After Party

Oprah is everywhere. After Hollywood's biggest night Oprah is the only one who gets all the news and excitement the next day on Oprah's After Oscar Party. Her studio audience gets the chance to fill the seats of where all the celebrities sat the night before. She is the only one that is allowed access to the Kodak Theater the day after the show. She will have some of the winners and the shows host Ellen Degeneres with her to reveal all of last nights secrets and a recap of the whole event. Tune in to see what you missed last night and to hear about what happened behind the scenes.
Oscar winners

As everyone expected the night's big winners were no surprise. Helen Mirren took the award for Best Actress and Forrest Whitaker, "The Last King of Scotland" took the award for Best Actor. They were the favorites to win. Forrest Whitaker gave a very emotional speech and was so proud to be standing on that stage! Helen Mirren had the utmost confidence and was so calm and collected you can tell she took her role from "The Queen" a very seriously.(maybe she is still pretending to be in that role.) For Best Supporting Actress there was no surprise that Jennifer Hudson took home Oscar gold for "Dreamgirls". Everyone was routing for her and knew she would win. Getting voted out of "Ameican Idol" was the greatest thing that could have ever happened to her. Alan Arkin was the big surprise for Best Supporting Actor. He got the Oscar for his role as the outspoken grandpa in "Little Miss Sunshine." Here is a preview of last nights performance of the songs that got Jennifer Hudson her Oscar.
American Idol,
forrest whitaker,
helen mirren,
jennifer hudson,

What a night! The Departed takes top honors. I think that was a surprise for many people, "The Queen" and "Little Miss Sunshine" were the favorites to take home the Oscar for Best Picture. It was a great night for Martin Scorsese, he finally got his moment. The anticipation for him to get an Oscar is finally over. With his friends ( Francis Ford Coppola, Steven Spielberg, and George Lucas) giving him the award made the moment that much sweeter. Everyone had said he deserved the Oscar and he finally got it. The night was pretty much as all the critics had expected to be with the surprise being " The Departed." For a complete list of all of the winners click here.
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Oh Ellen!

Come on Ellen! I thought her opening monologue would be so funny. She knows all of the nominees and is friends with a few of them. She could have taken a leap and done something hilarious, but she played it safe. The only thing I thought was funny was the comment of was her mentioning Leonardo Dicaprio, but had nothing to say about him she just thought the ladies wanted to look at him for a minute. Her celebration of all the nominees with a gospel singing was very weird and came out of nowhere. She would have been better off dancing by herself on the stage. Hopefully it will get funnier otherwise this is going to be a long evening. You could tell that she was nervous and kind of rambling. I'm not denying it must be terrifying to host the Academy Awards, but she is Ellen she should make it funny and respectable at the same time.
Best and Worst Dressed

The 79th annual Academy Awards are starting soon. With the Red Carpet buzzing with excitement here is my take on this evenings best and worst dressed celebrity. Beyonce, in her mint green Armani jeweled gown looked absolutely stunning. she got everything right the perfect hair, jewelry and shoes. People said she keeps replicating the same "Dreamgirl" look but if it works for her she should stick with it. Anne Miran wowed the crowd in her golden almost vintage looking gown. She is definitely giving young Hollywood a run for their money. Kate Blanchet wearing a stunning silver gown by Armani Prive, She looked like a goddess the only thing I thought did not look right was her hair, it did not go with her dress. Reese Witherspoon looked amazing as always. she was floating in her black strapless drees. Being single definitely works for her, she has such a glow about her that makes her look extra amazing.
The men stood out as well. I have to say they are all looking classic and well groomed. To my surprise Sacha Baron Cohen was one of my favorites, after seeing him all crazy in scruffy in "Borat" it is nice to see how well he cleans up. My other best dress males were Leonardo Dicaprio 9of course,) Forrest Whitaker, he looked so handsome but yet humble in his tuxedo. Mark Wahlberg looked amazing in his classically tailored tuxedo. The men did very well this year, I don't really have any votes for worst dress males, but these four stood out for me.
Know for the bad news, my vote for the worst dressed females. Kirsten Dunst, Ann Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Meryl Streep. Kirsten Dunst looked washed out and to old in her vintage light blue dress. The feathers on the bottom just topped a horrible look for her. Gwyneth Paltrow looked like a mermaid in her pink Zac Posen dress. Everything from the dress to the hair just did not work for her tonight. Meryl Streep was wonderful in" he Devil Wears Prada" she looked amazing and gave an amazing performance, she should have took some cues from her role as Miranda. Her long baggy black dress with her long orange necklaces were horrible. She looked like she got up went through her closet and put on the first thing she could find. It must be something with "The Devil Wears Prada" Ann Hathaway did not live up to the expectation either. Her white lace dress with black overlay that looks like she is wearing her bra on the outside of he dress, just did not work for me. It is such a shame, she is such a beautiful girl everything else worked but the dress was awful! For more of the celebrities walking the Red carpet, click here.

Countdwon to the Oscars
Tonight is the big night! As the anticipation for the biggest night in Hollywood comes to an end tonight's Academy Awards will be sure to please. The countdown to the red carpet has already begun. The stars are primping and getting ready for the big night. I will have updates and a full report of tonight's events. Tune in to see who I think were the best and worst dressed, and who will be lucky enough to take home Oscar gold!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Crazy Britney
Britney Spears has been having a rough time lately. Between going to rehab twice in one week, shaving her head, breaking up with her boyfriend, and attacking the paparazzi you can't help but feel sorry for the girl. Who am I kidding, as bad as people may feel it is still way more entertaining to watch her go crazy! Here is a highlight video of her past month. Enjoy!
Grey's Anatomy owned Thursday
Grey's Anatomy topped ratings for ABC Thursday night. The cliffhanger of Thursday's show earned Grey's Anatomy its highest rating since last years episode after the 2006 super bowl. 27.9 million people tuned in to see if Meredith would survive. It was a big night for Grey's Anatomy and ABC. For more on the episode or to view the full episode click here.
79th annual Academy Awards

The countdown to the biggest night in Hollywood is coming to an end. Tomorrow night all of the celebrities will be lined up on the red carpet for the 79th annual Academy Awards. It is a night of excitement, fashion, and glamour. This years show should be more relaxed and humorous than previous shows because first time host Ellen Degeneres will have Hollywood in her hands. She will be setting the mood of the evening and if you have ever watched her daytime show you know tomorrow night will be a fun event. With nominees like Mark Wahlberg, Leonardo Dicaprio, Sacha Baron Cohen, Alan Arkin, and Eddie Murphy. Tomorrow night people will be waiting in anticipation to find out the winners. The competition is fierce with movies like "The Departed," "Borat," "Little Miss Sunshine," and "Dreamgirls" everyone will be tuning in to see who will win the top honor. For a complete list of all the nominees click here
academy awards,
Friday, February 23, 2007
movie time
As the weekend rolls around a lot of people find time to go to the movies. This weekend is sure to make for an interesting time to go to a movie. With movies like "300", " The Number 23", and "Reno 911" which are in theaters now, the weekend will be a thrill ride for all movie goers.
"300" is based on a novel by Frank Miller, it is the story of the ancient battle of Thermopyle as 300 Spartans fight to the death against Xerxes and his Persian army. This movie has a lot of action and visual effects that will make it a fun an amazing show to watch.
Do you ever feel like in life you are living through some sort of random pattern? "The Number 23" which stars Jim Carrey is a story about a man who become obsessed with the number 23. He becomes obsessed with a book that he thinks is the outline of his life but ends in a murder. He tries to retrace things that happened to him in his life and realizes that everything somehow comes back to things that relate to the number 23. This is definitely not the typical hilarious Jim Carrey movie we are used to. It is dark and thrilling and is said to be one of his best movies yet.
"Reno 911" based on the comedy central series is a hilarious tale of an a team of Reno cops who are called in to help save the day as a terrorist attack interferes with a national police convention in Miami Beach during spring break.
"300" is based on a novel by Frank Miller, it is the story of the ancient battle of Thermopyle as 300 Spartans fight to the death against Xerxes and his Persian army. This movie has a lot of action and visual effects that will make it a fun an amazing show to watch.
Do you ever feel like in life you are living through some sort of random pattern? "The Number 23" which stars Jim Carrey is a story about a man who become obsessed with the number 23. He becomes obsessed with a book that he thinks is the outline of his life but ends in a murder. He tries to retrace things that happened to him in his life and realizes that everything somehow comes back to things that relate to the number 23. This is definitely not the typical hilarious Jim Carrey movie we are used to. It is dark and thrilling and is said to be one of his best movies yet.
"Reno 911" based on the comedy central series is a hilarious tale of an a team of Reno cops who are called in to help save the day as a terrorist attack interferes with a national police convention in Miami Beach during spring break.
" "The Number 23",
"reno 911",
recipe of the day
Fast food gets a healthy twist on today's episode of 30 Minute Meals. Rachel Ray takes the all american meal of a burger and fries and makes it healthy and easy to make at home. Her recipe for turkey chili burgers combines all of the flavor we love but don't have to feel guilty for eating. Her recipe includes everything you love in chili but making it into a burger. Chili seasoning adds an extra kick while cheddar cheese runs all through the burger in order to make it moist. She makes a refreshing cole slaw to go along side these burgers, the cole slaw is very healthy because the dressing has no mayonnaise in it. Who can eat a burger without french fries? I know I can't.. She takes a regular package of frozen french fries but gives it a twist by putting garlic butter all over them and baking them in the oven. This is a wonderful twist on the typical hamburger and french fries, and for once you don't have to feel guilty for eating fast food.
pillow fight!

Here is a preview of last year's crazy fight.
Mandy Moore goes back to her music!

Mandy Moore has been out of the music industry for a while because she decided to focus on acting. Some of her previous movies include Chasing Liberty, A Walk to remember, and two of her newest projects Because I Said So, and Twist of fate. She even appeared on HBO's hit show Entourage for a few episodes as Vincent Chase's girlfriend. She was overheard at an event held by Glamour magazine in LA talking about her newest project, her upcoming album. She has not had an album out for years and decided she wanted to go back to writing and singing. Her movie Because I Said So, who she co-stars with Diane Keaton, Lauren Graham, and Piper Perabo, is in theaters now and She has another movie coming out called Twist of Fate. At this event she did not mention either of these movies and was strictly talking about her upcoming album. Maybe her new relationship with DJ AM has something to do with her coming back to the music industry.
rats take over popular eatery
This one is not for the squeamish. A popular eatery has been shut down due to an infestation of rats. The Taco Bell and Kentucky Fried Chicken on 6th avenue in the west village has been shut down due to the rat problem. There are pictures and videos of these creatures running around and eating off the floor. CBS 2 reported on this story early this morning and tried to talk to a manager or some employees to see if they were aware of this problem., no one responded. They shot a video from outside of the restaurant and caught many of these rodents had taken over. One of the managers said they were going to contact the franchise owner, and said this condition is absolutely unacceptable. The restaurant is closed until this problem can be fixed. This is not the first time this particular franchise has been shut down due to an infestation. Before the restaurant closed its doors these rats were running around with the customers and eating off the floor and going as far as jumping on to their food trays. I have a feeling after this video no one is ever going to want to go back to this particular restaurant. To watch the video click here.
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Daily recap
The Oscars are going environmental, no more fancy limousines. Everyone will be riding in style in a environmentally friendly hybrid vehicle. Who knew how much celebrities cared.
"Borat" is back in court again, I have to say it was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It was made with no money and now Sacha Baron Cohen is raking it in. Who thought that running around naked and pooping in a plastic bag could get you an Oscar nomination?
Bring Miami into your kitchen. With Rachel Ray's take on a typical Cuban meal you will feel like you were eating at one of the best restaurants in south beach.
Record broken for doing squats on top of an elephant. I think that statement speaks for itself!
Tune in tonight to Grey's Anatomy, I am sure there is bound to be a lot of tears and probably a lot of fighting, while everyone patiently waits to find out if Meredith will survive.
8,900 people playing in the snow. Making snow angels was always fun to do when you were a kid, it is nice to know that for one day the adults can pretend to be kids again.
"Borat" is back in court again, I have to say it was one of the funniest movies I have ever seen. It was made with no money and now Sacha Baron Cohen is raking it in. Who thought that running around naked and pooping in a plastic bag could get you an Oscar nomination?
Bring Miami into your kitchen. With Rachel Ray's take on a typical Cuban meal you will feel like you were eating at one of the best restaurants in south beach.
Record broken for doing squats on top of an elephant. I think that statement speaks for itself!
Tune in tonight to Grey's Anatomy, I am sure there is bound to be a lot of tears and probably a lot of fighting, while everyone patiently waits to find out if Meredith will survive.
8,900 people playing in the snow. Making snow angels was always fun to do when you were a kid, it is nice to know that for one day the adults can pretend to be kids again.
Time for snow

It is fun to be a kid again. That is what close to 8,900 people in Bismarck, N.D thought. Thousands of people gathered together to beat the world record of the most snow angels made in one hour. 8,900 people were frantically making snow angels on capitol ground Saturday afternoon a they were trying to break the record of 3,784 which was set by the students of Michigan Technological University. It must of been a very funny sight to see old men and women frantically making snow angels. It is definitely something you don't get to see very often.
New record set on an elephant?

Some people will do anything to set a record. 52 year old Ashrita Furman set a world record for doing the most squat thrusts in one minute, but the kicker is he decided to do it on top of an elephant. Last thursday he beat the previous record of 30 squat thrusts and set the record for 40. Furman said he always dreamed of setting a record on an elephant. What is he thinking??? Furman holds 54 world records. One of them was running the fastest mile while balancing a pool cue. It makes you wonder how do these people come up with these ideas? For the complete article click here.
Miami heat
Get a taste of Miami. Today's episode of 30 minute meals is full of heat. Rachel Ray takes a trip of Miami with a menu that blends Cuban flavors. Mashed plantains with spicy garlic tomato shrimp is sure to get your taste buds going. A grilled flank steak with lime and onions set on top of black beans and rice is sure to make you feel like you were eating on South Beach. The meal sounds complicated but Rachel Ray will make it easy and affordable to replicate. As she always says a 30 minute meal with this much flavor is any one's best friend. For the recipe click here
What will Meredith's fate be?

Tune in tonight for an all new Grey's Anatomy. Last weeks episode was filled with drama. At the scene of a tragic ferry accident the staff of Seattle Grace was on hand to help the wounded. Meredith, Izzy, and Mcdreamy were all on hand. Everyone was frantically running around healing the wounded. As a young girl standing at the end of the pier is learing out into the river Dr. Mcdreamy asks if she is ok. He had seen her earlier with meredith and asks where she is. He saw alot of patients tagged with meredith's name but he could find her anywhere. When the young girl points into the river Mcdreamy jumps in to find meredith. As he gets her out she is frozen and fighting for her life. No one else at the hospital knows what is going on. Christina, Alex, George, and Mcsteamy have no idea that something is wrong withher, they think that she is still at the site and is missing. They are at the hospital calming down families who can not find their loved ones. As meredith is brought into the hospital these four doctors who are like meredith's family are paged with the news. They are all waiting patiently to find out her fate. Tonights all new episode is the end to a 3 part story line. It should make for a very interesting hour of television. For a recap of last weeks episode click here.
"Borat" causes a stir again

"Borat" is still causing problems for Sacha Baron Cohen. Two South Carolina fraternity brothers tried to sue Cohen claiming that the filmmakers got them drunk before they signed a waiver to appear in the film. The fraternity brothers Christopher Rotunda and Justin Seay claimed that they were not aware that the movie was going to be shown in the U.S. and their appearance in the film is causing them a lot of distress because they were embarrassed by their behavior. They filed a law suit asking that their seen be taken out of the film once it is released on DVD. The judge has sided with Cohen and the scene will remain in the film. The film was nominated for an academy award, how bad could it be for these brothers to be part of an Oscar nominated film.
Environmental Oscars

The Oscars are getting environmental. The Academy Awards is the biggest night in Hollywood. It is a night that celebrates the film industry. Everyone is interested and watching. It is a night dedicated to fashion, film, and glamour. The red carpet at the Academy Awards is the place to be. This year the celebrities are getting environmental. Instead of taking limousines to the event celebrities will be rolling up to the red carpet in hybrid vehicles. An environmental group called Global Green USA will be providing over 30 hybrid vehicles for stars like Leonardo Dicaprio and Davis Guggenheim who directed a documentary on global warming. Celebrities are getting more involved in the environment and Oscar night is the perfect time for them to make a statement because everyone will be watching. Sunday February 25th will give people a chance to see their favorite stars make a stand for the environment.
Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Amilla Sonja Taylor is a miracle baby, She was born October 24th in Miami, Florida and came out after only 22 weeks. She was not expected to survive but this tiny precious baby is going home soon. She was supposed to go home on Tuesday but doctors thought it would be better for her to be in the hospital just in case she suffered any complications. She was only 9 1/2 inches long and weighed 10oz. when she was born. Now she is doing much better and weighs in at 4 1/2lbs.
Good Morning

Coffee!!!!!!!!! So, I am huge coffee drinker, and I woke up this morning and realized there was no coffee left in the house. I am sitting here in my pajama's so I can't really go out to get anything. All you coffee drinkers out there know what I am talking about. In the morning that is all you want. The smell instantly wakes you up. Well since I have no coffee in the house I had to come up with an alternative. I made my own version of Chai tea. I know it is not the same as a not hot cup of coffee but I promise you it is a good alternative when you are in a situation like mine. I put in 1 cardamom pod, 2 cloves, and 1 cinnamon stick with one regular tea bag. Let it steep for 2 minutes add milk and sugar and enjoy! I know For all the coffee drinkers out there you are probably thinking I am crazy. I promise if you try this tea once you will enjoy it.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Daily recap
Britney goes back to rehab! I think it is about time. Between her shaving her head and all the drama she is going through with k-fed, She needs a reality check... It is a good thing she has her family to back her up.
Cooking is always fun, especially when you get tips from professionals to reinvent meals and try to pass them off as your own. Rachel Ray always says entertain with these meals and you will impress all of your friends. As far as I am concerned if I pull of these meals and they come out half as good as she makes them look, I am taking all of the credit! Shh! My little secret. ;o)
Poor Jennifer Mee, She got famous for hiccuping but it is so painful and she should have the chance to go back to school and be a normal kid. I just hope when she goes back no one makes fun of her. If they do she can laugh and say you can make fun of me all you want but did you ever get to be on the Today show or have Ellen Degeneres call you? Haha! I did not think so!
A hearty comforting breakfast is always the greatest thing to wake up to on a a cold winter morning. Nothing beats the smell of coffee and breakfast cooking on a griddle. I hope that when you have a day off you take some of my breakfast choices and have a warm comforting morning like I did. Enjoy!
"American Idol" I don't even know what to say, It is one of the biggest shows on television, but........ I am a huge "Gilmore Girl's" fan I don't know what to choose. I am gonna have to watch in between commercials.
Cooking is always fun, especially when you get tips from professionals to reinvent meals and try to pass them off as your own. Rachel Ray always says entertain with these meals and you will impress all of your friends. As far as I am concerned if I pull of these meals and they come out half as good as she makes them look, I am taking all of the credit! Shh! My little secret. ;o)
Poor Jennifer Mee, She got famous for hiccuping but it is so painful and she should have the chance to go back to school and be a normal kid. I just hope when she goes back no one makes fun of her. If they do she can laugh and say you can make fun of me all you want but did you ever get to be on the Today show or have Ellen Degeneres call you? Haha! I did not think so!
A hearty comforting breakfast is always the greatest thing to wake up to on a a cold winter morning. Nothing beats the smell of coffee and breakfast cooking on a griddle. I hope that when you have a day off you take some of my breakfast choices and have a warm comforting morning like I did. Enjoy!
"American Idol" I don't even know what to say, It is one of the biggest shows on television, but........ I am a huge "Gilmore Girl's" fan I don't know what to choose. I am gonna have to watch in between commercials.
Britney back in rehab?
Britney spears went back to rehab again. This is the second time in two weeks she has checked into rehab. Her family had an intervention and wanted her to go back. For more info click here.
Rachel Ray time. New recipe
Rachel Ray time, I told you how I try to watch Rachel Ray's 30 minute meals everyday at 2:30 in order to try to figure out what to have for dinner. Today's episode is definitely making me hungry. She is making burgers with a Greek twist. The traditional Greek dish known as spanokopita, which is basically a cheese pie with spinach, gets a Rachel Ray twist by adding ground chicken and making it into a burger. She accompanies it with french fries and a yogurt dip that is the same as tzatziki sauce. It looks easy enough to make and sounds delicious! Definitely a recipe I am going to try out.
Poor hiccup girl :o(
Who would have thought that having the hiccups could get you on the news? That is what happened for 15 year old Jennifer Mee, she has made headlines for having the hiccups. ABC's Good morning America had left 57 messages for the young Florida native at her hotel. Jennifer has started hiccuping 4 weeks ago and for some reason can not stop. She was flown to New York on NBC so she could appear on the Today show. Jennifer's mother felt very guilty about not being able to help her daughter and did not want her to appear on ABC or any other station, but after all NBC had done for them she did not feel it was right to ditch the Today show. It was her first time visiting the big apple and I am sure she wished it was for a different reason than her hiccuping problem. She had calls waiting for her from The Ellen Degeneres show and other stations as far as Britain and Canada. All Jennifer could think about was going back to school and being a normal kid again. It is embarrassing but funny for her, she became famous for having the hiccups.
American Idol going strong

"American Idol" is one of the top ten shows on television. Many people like to make fun of the show and say they don't watch it, but I think in some respect it is every one's guilty pleasure. If you are watching the new episodes of the" American Idol" rewind, you are still watching. It is a huge phenomenon that has swept through the country. I have heard people fighting over who they think the better "Idol" would be. This season is one of the most watched with 35.5 million people watching in the first five weeks, with its ratings rising every season executives are saying that "American Idol" is the most impactful show in the history of television. The show is so popular that on its Tuesday and Thursday time slot they are huge competition for "Survivor, " Ugly Betty," "My Name is Earl" and "The Office." The phenomenon known as "American Idol" is taking over television, lets see who the next "American Idol" will be.
Christopher vs. Luke? Tonight secrets might be revealed

Tuesday night!!!!! Time to find out what is happening with the lives of the Gilmore Girl's. Tonight's all new episode is set to be a great episode. Lorelei has split from her husband, but no one knows not even her daughter Rory ( or so they think). Lorelei keeps her hopes up waiting for her husband Christopher to come back. She knows in her heart he is not coming back but she does not want to go through the humiliation of telling everyone that he left, especially her mother Emily. Stars Hollow is a very small town with a tight nit community so word travels very fast. Apparently everyone knows that Christopher left, but no one knows why everyone pretends not to know so Lorelei will tell them what happened. I wonder what Lorelei's ex fiance Luke is thinking and what he will do. As Lorelei and Rory try to hide while they are in Stars Hollow their tensions are rising because they have no idea what to say. Tonight should be a very funny episode. Tune in tonight at 8:00 to the CW11 and find out what happens.
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