A curious little boy took a ride all alone. 22 month old Stuart Tito Delmundo, is a very curious little boy who is fascinated with trains. Yesterday he took his fascination a little to far, as he was waiting on a subway platform with his mother for the train to pull up. His mother is aware of his fascination and curiosity so every time they are waiting for a train she holds on to him for dear life. She saw that his nose was running so she let go of him for a second to get a tissue. In that instant the young boy hopped on the train and his mother watched the doors close behind him. He got on a Manhattan bound 7 train. The mother was terrified and did not know what to do. The father came running down to the platform and immediately called 911. They were terrified that something would happen to their son after all it is New York, anything can happen! The police told the father to stay where he is. Luckily for the Delmundo family a nice elder woman who was on the train with young Tito saw what happened and picked him up. She got off at 61st street and came back to Junction Boulevard with the boy. The family was so relieved it was only a mere 15 minutes but for them it felt like a life time. They were praying that their son was ok, the family was so disheveled that when the woman gave back their son they did not even look at her. Thanks to this mystery woman their son is ok. They want to thank her but have no idea how to. Watch your kids people you never know when their curiosity is going to spark!
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