Monday nighs are back. When football season comes to an end Monday's were not the best night for television there was nothing really that popular on between 9-11. That has all changed with
24 airing on FOX at 9:00 and the new drama The Black Donnelly's airing on NBC at 10:00. Monday is definately a night of amazing television.

The new NBC drama
The Black Donnelly's is set to be the next hit drama on television. It is a story of four brothers who got caught up in the New York Irish mob scene. These four brothers Tommy, Kevin, Sean, and Jimmy are all very different but when it comes down to it they are exactly the same. Tommy is the smartest one he is going to Art School and does not want to be part of the scene his brothers got themselves into, but at the end of the day he is the most responsible and gets roped back in so he can save his brothers. Jimmy is the one that gets into the most trouble because he does not think about any of the consequences. Sean is the young innocent brother, he gets into trouble but nothing significant compared to the others. He is the one that gets all the girls and why everyone keeps their girls away from him. Kevin is the one that backs up Tommy. He tries to keep Tommy out of the scene if possible, but when it gets to bad for him to handle he turns to Tommy. The Black Donnelly's is a true gritty television show. It is like the Soprano's was made for network television. These four brothers are going to make for the biggest night in television. If you missed the show last night watch it online or watch a repeat episode Thursday night at 9:00.
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