Tabloids will do anything in order to find a story, the news stand rags were trying to make two of the straightest and most popular celebrities reveal their true story. There were rumors flying around that long time friends Leonardo DiCaprio and Tobey Maguire were once lovers. I doubt it ever happened but if it did a little experimenting never hurt anyone, after all they are both extremely attractive men if at some point they found each other hot throughout their friendship it was just another chance to give both of them a bigger head!
Neve Campbell is getting married the star who became famous for "Party of Five"and the "Scream" trilogy is marrying British actor John Light on Saturday, they will be having a small intimate ceremony which will be held in Los Angeles. The couple currently live in London but decided to marry here so Neve can continue filming a few episodes of"medium."
Last year Danny DeVito made headlines when he showed up to "The View" drunk, DeVito had gone out the night before and partied with George Clooney he blamed being drunk after taking his seventh Limoncello shot. Devito decided to profit on his little drunken performance, the actor created his own drink and unveiled it at the Wine and Spirits convention yesterday. Danny Devito Premium Limoncello Liqueur is supposedly one of the best drinks you will ever taste, it nice that celebrities can be handed lemons and get drunk off of them but find a way to redeem their actions by creating their own product that everyone else could get drunk off of!
Danny DeVito drunk on "The View"
Britney staged a comeback last night at the San Diego House of Blues. She lip synced a short set for her screaming fans, she gyrated on the stage Pussycat Dolls style and gave the crowd what they wanted. Their were rumors that Britney was going to surprise so me of her fans with a comeback and last night she did, now if she could try to keep herself from staging a comeback to rehab we may be good to go.
Lindsay is finally becoming legal and wants to throw a huge bash in Vegas! Lindsay Lohan has been a fixture in the New York and Los Angeles party scene and was infamous for partying underage. Lindsay went crazy with all of her partying and landed herself in rehab, now the pop starlet is turning 21 and is ready to party her ass off, well at least more than she usually does.
After a really good party a man walks into a bar and orders a drink. Already drunk and delirious, the man turns to the person sitting next to him and says, "You wanna hear a blond joke?"
The person replies, "I am 240 pounds, world kick boxing champion and a natural blond. My friend is 190 pounds, world judo champion and is a natural blond. And my other friend is 200 pounds, world arm wrestling champion and is also a natural blond. Do you still want to tell me that blond joke?"
The man thinks for a while and replies, "Not if I have to explain it three times."
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