Eddie knew about he baby and knew it was planned "allegedly" know he is trying to deny the fact that he had anything to do with the Mel B's daughter and is refusing to take a paternity test. Murphy was the one who asked for the test and now does not want to take it, it is all very confusing does he know he is the baby's daddy or not!

The two "Idol" favorites are gone!
Chris Richardson and Phil Stacey are history. What happened America, we needed another Justin look alike to be our new Idol, I can't believe that America voted off these two guys and kept Blake Lewis because of one performance. Come on!

Oh my god!!! This is heartbreaking news for me, my favorite show on television is coming to an end.
"Gilmore Girls" has been cancelled. How can the CW do this to all of their viewers! It was one of the most popular shows on their network and now they are getting rid of it. What are we going to do on Tuesday nights? No one had the charisma and talking style like Lorelai and Rory did. I can't imagine having no more Stars Hollow, Luke's Diner, Miss Patty's or the infamous town meetings. Tuesday night's will never be the same!
Is Paris really going to jail? It was reported that the famous socialite may have to spend 45 days in jail for driving with a suspended license twice. She might really be going to jail and as part of her probation she will not be aloud to consume any alcohol for 90 days. Poor Paris what is she going to do without the paparazzi following her every move!
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