Being rich does not make you happy? Many people always say that and it is usually someone rich. This time it is words of
Russell Simmons, he says money does not necessarily make you happy. He has brought hip-hop to a new level and made millions of dollars, he seems pretty happy to me. Who wouldn't enjoy traveling, shopping, and pretty much doing whatever you want. I would think it would make most people happy but I guess I am going to have to get rich to find out.
Jeremy Piven got banned. At a dinner at
Nobu, Aspen, he left a DVD of the first season of
"Entourage" instead of a monetary tip. The waiter ran up the stairs after him and told him to never come back. The manager said Piven and his guests were acting inappropriately and were very rude. He told Piven never to come back to his restaurant or its affiliates in New York and Los Angeles.
Britney is dancing again while Kevin parties with his ex-girlfriend Shar Jackson. Britney seems to be doing well since she got out of rehab. She has been taking dance classes at
Millenium Dance Complex, and having dinner with her girlfriends. She is trying to spend time with her family and friends in order to stay out of trouble. While Britney is trying to stay clean K-Fed is partying it up with his ex. All of the stress and responsibility must have gotten to him while Britney was in rehab, so know he is releasing all of the tension. What a great dad!
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