Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Swimmers Beware!

For everyone that is terrified to go into the water because of the living creatures beneath the water - BEWARE!!! During a 5-kilometer swimming competition in Melbourne, Australia the sounds coming from the ocean were screams of agonizing pain. The choppy waters were infested with jellyfish, they were stinging the competitors all over their face and bodies. The invasion of these jellyfish did not stop the girls from competing, they pushed through the pain and swam as hard and fast as they could. The stinging gave them the motivation they needed to get out of the water as quickly as they possible could. One brave woman, and WINNER of the race, Larisa Ilchenko did not seem too phased by the conditions at all- she said she was just glad there were no sharks in the water! Now that's one tough aussie. How would one treat a jellyfish wound anyway...... hmmm??? remember what Monica Gellar did? if not click here!

Imagine swimming with these creatures!

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