Friday, March 9, 2007

Movie time

It is Friday and you know what that means. It is time to go to the movies. There are two new releases coming out today "300" and "The Ultimate Gift."

"300," based on the graphic novel by Frank Griffith, is the story of the ancient battle of Thermopyle. King Leonidas and 300 Spartans battle Xerxes and his Persian Army in a fight to the death. The Graphics make this an unbelievable film to watch. Check your local movie listings, for a more intense version of the film it is playing on IMAX screens all over the country.


"The Ultimate Gift" is a movie about lessons in life. When a young man's wealthy grandfather passes away he is expecting a hefty inheritance, instead he recieves a series of twelve gifts that will send him on journey of self discovery. In the end he realizes that money is not the ultimate gift, but what his grandfather has forced him to learn about his life will stay with him forever.

"The Ultimate Gift"

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