"American Idol" chose its final twelve last night. There was no surprise Antonella Barbra got booted off last night. After all of the controversy that surrounded her due to her racy pictures that leaked over the Internet she has received a lot of public attention. She did not get kicked off the show but in a previous season Frenchie Davis got kicked off for the same situation. The judges commended the way she dealt with all of the negativity that surrounded her but told her that her voice would not make her the next "Anerican Idol." Last night America agreed as she was sent home. Other contestants that had to leave the "Idol" stage were Sabrina Sloan, Jared Cotter, and Jason "Sundance." Everyone was surprised that "Sundance" was voted off, especially judge Paula Abdul, she said she was shocked because "American Idol" is a singing competition and you were on of the best. This season is filled with a lot of drama which makes
for good television, but in the end who will be the next "American Idol."
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