Scary Spice welcomed a new addition into her family this morning. She gave birth to her second child which is a girl. The baby has yet to be named but has already caused a lot of controversy. Melanie Brown (aka Scary Spice) swears that the childs father is her ex boyfriend Eddie Murphy. She had made this claim a few months ago but Murphy swears he is not the father. The only way to know is by taking a blood test now that the child has been born.

Director of the new film "Grindhouse"
Robert Rodriguez and Rose McGowen allegedly had an affair on the set of the film that has caused his marriage to fall apart. They tried to keep it discreet but everyone said it was the worst kept secret on the set. "Grindhouse" Directed by Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino. The graphic film has Rose McGowen, who plays a stripper, replace one of her legs with a machine gun to battle flesh eating zombies. Sounds a little crazy but after all it is a Quentin Tarantino film.
Avril Lavigne went after Britney in an interview she did with the British newspaper
The Sun she claimed that Britney's meltdown was her own fault. She can not handle the pressure of being a celebrity and her meltdown was a part of that. Avril is definately not the ultimate role model to be going after Britney. She has been known to kick a guy where it counts and has spit in her fans faces. Maybe she should start giving Britney more advice, apparently she thinks her actions seem to work better.
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